More than Your Accountant Your Wealth Creation Partner

Abacus has been providing taxation, superannuation, wealth creation, business start-up services and advice for over 30 years.

Our goal is to help you build a better, more profitable and valuable business by combining the knowledge of your business with our consulting tools and expertise. While for our individual clients, we aim to grow your personal wealth and assist you with any of your financial or tax queries.

Abacus Professional Services, the accounting firm that does more than just your tax. At Abacus, we specialise in business start-ups of small to medium businesses including all related Taxation, Accountancy and Business Structure requirements:

We believe small business owners want more than just tax returns and compliance from their accountant. If you want to build your business, grow your revenue and profits and increase the value of your business then contact us today. We are passionate about the success of your business and helping our clients build their personal wealth.
As an accounting firm we can help you with taxation, accounting, marketing, cash flow requirements, financial planning, estate planning, wealth creation and much, much more. We are always looking for ways to improve ourselves, our knowledge and our skills so that we can cater for all your needs and ensure that all your questions are answered.
A number of our clients are family groups and we guarantee you personal service, confidentiality and exceptional value for money. We listen to your needs, speak your language and no job is too big or too small for the team at Abacus. We look after individuals and help our clients grow and build their wealth via negative gearing and property investment.

We Solve Real Problems

what can we do for you?

Accounting For Trades People

Being in the trades or building industry you need an accountant who understands your business.

Accounting, Taxation & GST

A significant part of our strategy is to provide clients with timely and accurate advice on tax ....


Have you ever wondered how your business is performing compared to your competitors?

Negative Gearing

Negative Gearing by definition is where you borrow to acquire an investment and the interest and other tax deductible costs you incur exceed the income you receive from the investment.

Recession Proof Your Business

Just as evolution in animals dictates that only the fittest survive, in a recession it is generally survival of the smartest.


Director/Business Tax Accountant




Tax Consultant

Meet the team

The Faces Behind Our Success

Limited Liability Disclosure
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.